Nokia has added two Lumia smartphones to its portfolio in India – theLumia 625 and the Lumia 925 priced at Rs. 19,999 and Rs. 33,499 respectively. Nokia also announced a range of colourful headsets but there is no information about their pricing.
Starting with the Lumia 625, the device is the largest Windows Phone smartphone to hit store shelves. It has a 4.7-inch display matching the Nexus 4, Xolo Play and a bunch of other smartphones available in the market. The 625 has an LCD display with a 480x800 pixel resolution giving it a pixel density of 199ppi. This doesn’t seem very impressive on paper when compared with the Android competitions available in the market offering displays with a resolution of 1280x720 pixels.
Introduced with the Lumia 920, the 625 shows off Super Sensitive Touch technology, which enables users to interact with the touchscreen even with gloves. Under the hood, a 1.2GHz dual-core processor coupled with 512MB of RAM powers the 625. The rear of the 625 has a 5MP camera and the front has a VGA video-calling camera. A 2000mAh battery powers the entire package.
As an added offer, Nokia is offering customers movies worth Rs 4,275 with Lumia 625. Users of the device will also get access to 10GB of free data over Wi-Fi at McDonalds, Subway and Cafe Coffee Day. The company is offering 3GB free 3G data for three months on the Tata Docomo network.
The Lumia 925 on the other hand showcases a 4.5-inch display with a 1280x768 pixel resolution giving it a 332ppi pixel density. The smartphone comes with 16GB built-in storage with no expansion options. Under the hood, a 1.5GHz dual-core processor along with 1GB RAM powers the device. It alsi houses a 2000mAh battery. The Nokia Lumia 925 also has wireless charging capabilities via a removable back panel that comes as an accessory.
The most interesting thing about the Lumia 925 is the 8MP camera housed at the back of the smartphone. You can take a look at our comparison of the camera’s performance between the 925 and the 920. This can help you take an informed decision if you are interested in picking up a smartphone where the camera is important to you. The front of the smartphone has a 1.3MP camera for video calling.
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