Last month, Microsoft launched its Office Mobile app for Android phones in the US. The software giant has now announced the availability of the same in India. Along with India, the app has also been announced for 14 other nations in APAC region. The Office Mobile for Android is available in 33 languages so far. No, it doesn’t include any Indian language yet.
The app can be downloaded from the Google Play store, but only Office 365 subscribers (including Office 365 Home Premium or Office 365 ProPlus) can use it to work on their Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents on-the-go. During the US launch, it was said that the company was planning for the app to hit other markets soon. Less than a month later, the announcment has come true. In total, the app is now being rolled out for 116 countries.
Office Mobile for Android device comes with support for charts, animations, SmartArt Graphics and shapes. It lets users edit or add comments to documents, without affecting the formatting and layout. It also provides access to Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents in the cloud on SkyDrive or SkyDrive Pro.
Office Mobile for Android device comes with support for charts, animations, SmartArt Graphics and shapes. It lets users edit or add comments to documents, without affecting the formatting and layout. It also provides access to Word, Excel and PowerPoint documents in the cloud on SkyDrive or SkyDrive Pro.
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Some more features of the app include Resume Reading that takes users to the exact point in the document where they were last on the PC, Slide Navigator to browse through PowerPoint presentations and it also comes with built-in sharing features. Users can edit documents and share them from their phone, review comments in Word and Excel documents and also add their own. Those without Office 365 subscription can sign up for a free 30-day trial. Microsoft has already launched the app for iPhone users.
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