gionee has now launched a new handset for the Indian market called the Gionee P2. The new smartphone comes with a 4-inch display and caters to the budget segment with a price tag of Rs 6,499.
The P2 comes with support for dual SIMs. It is nice to see that this budget handset run on Android’s latest flavour, Jelly Bean v4.2. Internally the smartphone is powered by the Cortex A7 MediaTek 6572 dual-core processor clocked at 1.3GHz along with 512MB of RAM. The company has settled on a 1700 mAh battery for this smartphone.
The Gionee P2 will come dipped in white and black colours for customers to choose from. Taking the price tag into consideration, the smartphone will be competing in the sub-Rs 7,000 price range, which includes a slew of handsets from Chinese and local smartphone makers.
A new budget smartphone from Gionee
The smartphone could also face off with the likes of the Xolo A500, which also sports a similar price tag and specifications. The only difference is that the latter runs on an older version of the Android OS. We’ve previously seen some budget Gionee phones like the CTRL V4, and the slightly higher priced Elife E3. For the price, the features included seem quite good.
Take a quick look at the key specifications of the Gionee P2:
- 4-inch capacitive display with 480×800 pixels of resolution
- Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS
- 5-megapixel rear camera and VGA front-facing camera
- 4GB internal memory, expandable to 4GB via microSD card slot
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